Monday, July 9, 2007

Time for a Cocktail!!

10th July, 2007

Marie's friend Aleysha has arrived in Japan so we decided to celebrate with some cocktails. We made Toblerones and they were delicious!! Aleysha is so excited about being in Japan - who wouldn't be. She has very jam packed days ahead of her. It's always exciting when people come over.


Lauren said...

Those cocktails were so yum! Makoto is obviously enjoying his! :)

Unknown said...

You are so awesome! I have to have a Toblerone! It was one of my nicknames in college after the yummy chocolate bar. So, what is it exactly???

My other nickname is...should I say it...Tobi Wan Kenobi, after the Star Wars jedi master.

But you can just call me Bond, James Bond or 007.