Sunday, July 29, 2007

Lunch with my University Students

27th July, 2007

The students from my university had spent a long time organising to take Mum, Dad, Marie and I out to lunch. They wanted it to be perfect for us. They carefully selected a restaurant and food to take us to so that Mum and Dad received the best welcome to Himeji as they could. It was fantastic!! Mum and Dad experienced eating a traditional Japanese style meal whilst sitting on the floor. It was fabulous. The students were very friendly and each one of them made a speech introducing themselves and welcoming mum and dad to Japan. It was lovely. We all felt like kings and queens.

After lunch one of the students took us to her mothers house for coffee and cake. Once again we were made very welcome into their home. She had a beautiful traditional Japanese style home with a pristine Japanese style garden out the back. It was immaculate. I think we were all very lucky to be able to experience a Japanese style home. We had a very relaxing day today which was nice after the last few being jam packed!!


Lauren said...

How lucky are you and especially your parents! That house looks fantastic - another house idea for me!

Marie said...

That was a fun day going out for lunch with the students. It was really nice to see a traditional Japanese-style home, too. Japanese people are so welcoming and friendly!