Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Huh? Episode 6

Have you missed this section?? Well don't worry I have drummed up some more pictures. Check these out.....enjoy!!

Can you believe that these people were just walking down the main street in Himeji? (mind you there was a festival on that day)

This IS a watermelon by the way. Don't be discouraged by the colour - it actually tasted like a normal watermelon!

These are eels which people were fishing for. It was one of the stalls at the Yukata Matsuri. Not sure what you do with the eel once you catch one.....

Check out how huge this watermelon is.......it's almost bigger than I am!!

I challenge any of you to get through this out of control parfait. Look at the size of it and 'YES' it's real!! What a monstrosity......by the way it costs ¥7900. CRAZY!!

That concludes the Huh? episode for now..........stay tuned because I am sure to find some more pictures along the way.


Lauren said...

That watermelon was huge! I didn't think twice about taking your photo with it in a shopping centre - all in the name of "Huh!"

Anonymous said...

those people musta been pretty cold with no pants on??