Monday, July 9, 2007


10th July, 2007

Steve, Lauren, Jodi and I attended a ceremony at Yashiro-Ohtoshi Shrine. The purpose of this ceremony is for people to have good health and happiness for the next 6 months. This ceremony is performed every 6 months. A ‘Chinowa’ is made which is a wreath made of thatch grass. There is a set routine that people must follow when stepping through the Chinowa. You basically do a figure 8 then walk straight through. After you have followed the correct path you walk up to the shrine where you pray. A priest then performed another ceremony chanting various words. When the chants were completed he picked up some grass leaves which were dipped in water and swung around so that the water could land on the people in the crowd. This was to bless the people and to provide them with good health and happiness. It was interesting to watch and take part in this ceremony.

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