Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Climbing Mount Shosha

30th September, 2007

Mum and dad hadn’t been to Mt Shosha yet so instead of taking the easy way up with the cable car we decided to climb the mountain instead. The climb was pretty easy really and I quite enjoyed it. The only problem was that it was infested with spiders so we had to keep ducking underneath their webs. Once we got to the top it was ok - we were able to walk around without worrying about the spiders. We had been once before to Mt Shosha but never reached the temple where the Last Samuri was filmed so this time we made sure we reached that area. It was amazing and huge!!

Climbing up

The many spiders we encountered

Mum couldn't resist ringing the bell

Dad washing his hands before going into the temple

The first temple we arrived at

We saw these statues along the way

The temple where the Last Samuri was filmed


Marie said...

I liked everything about Mt Shosha except for those spiders!!!

Lauren said...

Far out! I don't think I could have handled the spiders either!