Monday, May 21, 2007

House Keys Saga Part 2.....

After stressing all day about my house keys being in the drain – I left early from work so that I could get home and sort out my key issues. During the day I got my teacher to ring my boss to explain that my keys had fallen down the drain. He then rang the custodian to tell him about it so that when I got home he would know what was going on. When I finally got home I told the custodian that my keys were in the drain and he knew exactly what he had to do. He was on a mission!! He was equipped with gloves, a long piece of wire with a hook and a chisel. He told me to follow him so that I could show him where the keys were. Luckily they were still exactly where I had dropped them. There was some water covering them though but I could still see them (thank goodness for that!) The custodian tried for a while to get them but he had no luck. He told me to wait a minute and he went inside and came back with a flashlight. It must have looked so funny him on the ground trying to get my keys out. Anyway he asked me if I wanted to go upstairs to my room. I said yes please because I had a lot of shopping with me and I wanted to put it away. So he got out the spare key and opened up my apartment. About 15minutes later there was a knock at my door and there was the custodian standing there dangling my keys with a big grin on his face. I was so excited when I saw them and gave him a big clap. He was so proud and chuffed that he had got them out. I thanked him very much for his effort and he was on his way. At least I gave him something to do to occupy himself for a while.

1 comment:

Marie said...

I witnessed the little custodian with his torch and his long piece of wire, crouched down on the ground, being was the funniest sight because I knew exactly what he was doing! I am so impressed that he got them out, because I would have given up after about two minutes of trying, but he persisted until the very end!