Thursday, January 18, 2007

My First Driving Experience....

Well I had my first driving experience in Japan. I was very nervous but I had to get it over and done with sooner or later. (By the way, the car that we were given is awesome!) Steve and I decided to go for a drive into the city to see whether or not our new bankcards would work. So I drove us there. Steve has driven quite a few times now so he is used to it. I was very hesitant. Even though the rules are pretty much the same there are some different signs and road markings, which I am not quite sure about. I felt like a granny. I was driving between 25 and 30km. The speed limit around the city is 40km. It took forever to get there. Instead of taking about 10 minutes it took us about 20 minutes. Steve kept telling me to drive a bit faster but I was too scared. Towards the end I got up to about 35 – 38km. I think I am just going to have to keep practising. I don’t think that I will do much driving though. Bikes and buses sound good to me!!!

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