Sunday, September 16, 2007

Bowling in Japan

15th Spetember, 2007

We were invited to go and bowl. This was the first time that I have bowled all year. I am not a fantastic bowler and tonight was no different. Although, I did manage to get 2 strikes and a spare but it took many gutter balls for that to happen. Makoto organised the bowling and had us all in teams competing for prizes. My team were all pretty much on par. Gutter balls were frequent. Julian even managed to get worst male bowler for the night. Even though we were pretty bad bowlers it was still a good night. One thing I loved about this bowling experience were the shoes. Check out the sexy shoes - they were so cool I wanted to take a pair home :-) They sure beat the Adelaide ones!!

Here are some of the people that went bowling. We are all holding up a "G" for gutter ball!!


Marie said...

That was a fun night until I discovered that I HATE BOWLING! I am so bad at it that it frustrated me more than anything! It was fun being there with everyone though and I had a good time all in all! :-)

Lauren said...

I LOVE BOWLING!! I was surprisingly good at it:)