Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Another Interesting Incident At School

5th February, 2007

I was in class today happily going about my business when all of a sudden I could hear the teacher talking quite loudly with a student. I turned to see what was happening. The talking gradually got louder and louder, they seemed to be arguing with one another. I could not understand what was going on as they were speaking in Japanese. All of a sudden the teacher grabbed the kid and pulled him out of his seat. I wasn’t sure what it was all about. The kid then retaliated and pushed is desk and chair over. Books and pencil cases went flying everywhere. The teacher still had him by the arm. The student didn’t like that so he pushed the teacher off of him. Before I knew it the teacher had dragged the student out of the room. I don’t know what happened next. I couldn’t believe what I saw. I don’t even know why it happened. Everything seemed to be going well to me. Obviously I missed something. The rest of the class kind of laughed a little once they had left the room but I think it was just in shock. Some of the boys cleaned up the mess – picked up the table and chair and books and pencil case. Then they just got back on with their work. After the lesson the teacher came and apologised for the incident that occurred in my class. He didn’t tell me the reason behind it though.

After school the counsellor came up to me and started talking to me in Japanese. I had no idea what he was saying to me. I think he thought I knew what he was saying and was waiting for me to reply. Luckily an English speaking teacher walked passed and translated the information. He was talking to me about the incident, which I figured anyway. He said that the boy had written me an apology note – (in Japanese of course). The English teacher read it to me and he had just basically apologised for disrupting my class and said that he would not do that again. I wasn’t even aware that he had disrupted my class. It was all a very strange experience. This is now the second desk I have seen tipped upside down. I wonder if I will experience another crazy scene.

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